
Wednesday, 29 August 2012

XXX Spam: Guide to Male Magic/Hybrid Spitfires

"Do you see this in my hands? The bullet that went through your body... I will allow you to feel the pain throughout your entire body" 
Male Spitfire Subclass Picture
Male Spitfire Subclass Video

-Firstly What is this? the Official guide to Mgc/Hybrid Spitfires/Vipers
Why do we need a guide? Many people needs some kind of guide to make a subclass and here's the one for Male Spifires
If somewhat I am wrong, Just reply and I will change it. Anyone can contribute to this guide 

Ok you got the introduction now lets talk about Spitting Fire
Gear can be found here: Spitfire Information
FSpit ?: Neolucid's F. Spitfire PvE guide [Post-Revolution] 
Phy Guide ?: Speccing for Burst! A Guide to Physical Spitfires V2

- What is a Spitfire/Viper -
"The Spitfire is a Gunner with a penchant for harnessing magic. He specializes in infusing elemental power into projectiles and explosives to maximize damage over large areas. At level 50, the Spitfire awakens as the Viper.
His subclass cosmetic feature is a gun magazine on his back."

In a Nutshell: Spitfires are gunners that are dept in using magic and str as their primary source of power thus making this class a hybrid, mgc or str

- Can get away with a +0
- Very build Friendly 
- Really Good or Should I say, Brokenly OP - OverPowered - When super Geared 
- Percent/Fixed skills
- Can Mob or 1v1 easily
- Some awesome Physical skills are fixed

- XXX spam, can get repetitive 
- You won't be highly powerful as other geared Spitfires if you are undergeared, Ex: Having a +0
- Half Percent Class, You'll need about a highly Reinforced weapon to get the maximum damage 
- Due to being a hybrid class, You wont get as much Int compared to a Pure Magic Class. Same with Strength, You wont get as much Strength when compared to Pure Strength classes
- We still don't have the Musket Mastery Skill

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Female's have a higher ammo capacity, but longer downtime on enchanted bullets
Enchanted bullet capacity increased from 10 to 11
Female's Grenades have a lower attack strength, but higher ammo capacity
F spit grenades:
G-14 Buster: Increased from 5 to 6 grenades with about 83% power of Male's grenade
G-35L Flash Bang: Increased from 4 to 5 grenades with about 80% power of Male's grenade
G-18C Freeze Grenade: Increased from 3 to 4 with about 75% power of Male's grenade

Can't toss grenades while airborne 
Can't toss a grenade during backstep.
Unique Skill:
Napalm instead of Photon Bomb
Different Active and Passive (Dual Flicker and Special Force Black Rose) awakenings from Female  Counterpart (Arsenal Reinforcement and EMP Storm)
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""


========================Magic VS Hybrid========================
[Note that the 2 Builds can use either a Bowgun, Musket or Autogun]

- The Difference -
Mgc Builds drops all Phy Skills (EG: Neil) and will max all Mgc Related Skills
Mgc Builds will use an Autogun as their primary weapon as it gives a higher Matk than Bowguns. Muskets can be used in a Mgc Build as the Int Boost is generally very high
-Bowgun still viable to a Mgc Build-

Hybrids will have both Mgc and Phy skills used in their Builds
Hybrids use Bowguns or Musktets as their Primary weapon as it gives a boost to Str and Int rather than a Autogun which gives a pure Int boost
-Autogun still viable to a Hybrid build-


Picture of the skill being used
PvP (Note that PvP here only applies to FA/Fair Arena)


Jack Spike
- Get to Lv. 5 for BBQ [Optional]
- Leave it at Lv. 1
- OTG? No

- Max for PvP
- The Launch, reason for the max and the SA

Rising Shot
- Leave it at Lv. 1
- OTG? Yes
- Cancel? Player Reference

- Max for PvP
- Launch in PvP is Godly

Mach Kick
- Leave at Lv. 1
- You get the Skill when you get the subclass
- OTG? Yes

- Lv 1 for PvP

- Leave it at Lv. 1 [Optional]
- You're a Spitfire, A MAGIC OR HYBRID ONE, Not a physical or a Ranger. Don't try to max this, You can find better SP dumps like Neil the Sniper
- OTG? Yes

- Only 1 Lv

- Leave it at Lv. 1
- GET THIS SKILL, This Skill breaks SA or Super Armor
- OTG? No
- Invincible Frames

- Only 1 Lv or 5 for the Cancel

- Leave it at Lv. 1 (Optional)
- Can't break SA
- OTG? No
- Gives Invincible Frames

- Lv 1 or 5
- Lv. 5 for the cancel

Aerial Fire
- Player Reference
Lv. 0 ,1 or Max
- In my opinion, Put One Lv. into this for escape purposes

 - 0 - 10 Lv
-SP Dump

M-137 Gatling Gun
- Lv. 0, 1 (Optional)
- Magic Gat....what.....
- OTG? No

- Lv. 1 for PvP
- This Connects with BBQ via Using Gat then press the Up Arrow to launch it upward. This will hit and launch the enemy backwards 

M-3 Flamethrower
- Same as Gat
- OTG? No

- One lv for Poke or Max
- Max, the skill itself does a lot of damage hence why Rangers may max this skill

RX-78 Land Runner
- One Lv. Should be enough
- You get this Skill when you subclass into a Spitfire

- Max or None
- This is a Ass Saver move along w/Secret Land Runner
- Livable w/o but you need a hell lot of PvP Skills and know what you're doing when PvPing with a Spit


Before we Start...
This is one of the most Important things you'll see as playing a Spitfire
The order will never change even if you cast Freeze Nade first. It will be always Buster||Flash||Freeze||C4||Flying C4
Note that a Ammo count for Silver, Ice, and Blaze will be added however it's not present in DFO yet

This will represent your G-14 Buster grenades in hand

This will represent your G-35L Flash Bang in hand

This will represent your G-18C Freeze Grenade in Hand

This will represent C4 and Flying C4
Note that C4 will be always first and Flying C4 will always be second

 This is the Grenades when in throw CD/CoolDown

Using Blaze Bullet

Using Freeze Bullet
Using Silver Bullet
G-14 Buster
- [20 SP]
- You can leave this at Lv. 5, 10, 15 or Max it
- You will need the Ex when you're going to max this
As being said, Buster Nade is a Viable Max but It will need the Ex to fully abuse the dmg. The Ex would let you throw 2 Buster Nades at the cost of one
- OTG? Yes

- Max for PvP
- The AoE is great, You'll be constantly be spamming this in PvP
- 3 Nades acquired 

Silver Bullet
- [15 SP]
- Lv. 5 or Max
- First Spitfire bullet buff
- Deals extra dmg to the Undead, Demon, and Spirit type monsters
- Ex would give more dmg and more bullets in a nutshell
- Useful in Ov3 as 2 of the Stages [Void and Black Earth] are undead, spirit or demon type enemies

- Max or Lv 5 for Flash Nade in PvP
- I'd leave it at 5, Generally Useless when compared to Ice or Blaze
- Does some Extra Dmg against Slayers due to their Negative Light Element Resist
-M/F Fighters have a Resist against Silver, don't use this against them

G-14 Grenade Cancel
- [50 SP]
- Get this skill no matter what, this is one of the staple Spitfire skills

- Max for PvP

Cartridge Supply
- [25 SP]
- Must Max, More Bullets is never bad also the mp cost for buffing will be great at endgame

- Max for PvP

Booster Bullet
- [20 SP]
- A combination of Immobility Booster and Pierce Booster
- Max this, Spits don't get a lot of pierce in Bowguns or Autoguns also it's a must to stack pierce for Musket users

-Max for PvP

Flash Mine
- [25 SP]
- Lv. 5 should be enough for the Ex or Max
- You can max this but it's Player Reference
- Phy Skill
- You can max this, Not for the dmg [Dmg is Okay] but for the Stun Proc
- OTG? Yes

-  A Must Max, The Stun proc is Godly, however, it's hard for opponents to get hit by mine

Buster Shot
- [35 SP]
- Lv. 0 or Max
- Don't get this skill at Lv. 1, It does horrendous dmg
- Concentrate your Buffed ammo into a single shot
- Does AMAZING dmg at maxed
- 100% Pierce
- OTG? Yes
- Somewhat of a Hybrid, the 1st dmg is Fixed while the 2nd Dmg [BulletBuff] is Percent

- Max or Zero 
- Generally, Leave this at Zero unless if you KNOW how to make use of this 

Freeze Bullet
- [25 SP]
- Lv. 5 or Max
- Pre for Freeze Nade
- The Freeze Ex: Shoots a single bullet with the power of two bullets
- The Freeze proc is dandy so I would max this for the status Proc and Dmg
- Deals extra dmg to beast and humans
- Mgc Percent

- Max for PvP
- The Freeze rate in Godly in the Glad Arena

Blaze Bullet
- [30 SP]
- Max this no matter what
- Provides more hits due to the explosion
- Elec Proc + Blaze = Awesome-sauce
- EX: Same with Freeze Ex
- You can break the Freeze proc in Freeze Nade when used against an enemy
- Mgc Percent

- Max, Lv.3 or 5 For Pre
- This is a good move, Blaze would troll anyone due to the 2nd hit also Elec Proc Spam still works in PvP

Armor-Piercing Rounds
- [30 SP]
- Leave this at Lv. 0
- Phy Buff
- Silver, Blaze or Freeze overshadows this since as a Hybrid or Magic Spit. Your main damage comes from Int boost

- None For PvP
- Useless unless if you're rolling a Phy Spit

G-35L Flash Bang
- [25 SP]
- Max this, The Dmg is the weakest of all the Nades but were not looking for the dmg but for the Elec proc
- You can dish about 3 - 5k ticks or even more when the enemy is in Elec Proc
- OTG? Yes
- Mgc Fixed

- Max
- You'll be spamming this a lot due to the AoE and the Tiny Launch [You can connect BBQ w/the Launch]

G-18C Freeze Grenade
- [40 SP]
- Must Max, Big Dmg and Freeze Proc, What's not to love?
- Deals the most Dmg out of all the Nades, Excluding the Buster Nade Ex,
- Does Freeze Proc
- OTG? Yes
- Mgc Fixed

- Max
- AoE and Freeze Proc

- [25 SP]
- Fires a shotgun like blast which covers a wide y-axis and can hit airborne enemies when she/he is in its proximity
- Cancel is Player Reference
- Leave at Lv. 5 for Pre for Neil
- You can max this at a hybrid build but will take a severe toll on a skill that you're gonna drop
- OTG? Yes
- Phy Fixed

- Leave at Pre
- Good Utility Skill
- Large AoE, Hits ground and airborne enemies
- Launches the Enemy Backwards, Airborne, they fall down

C4 Remote Control
- [40 SP]
- Lv. 5 or Max, the Slow proc in c4 is dandy, You can spam your bullets more easily with the slow proc hence why c4 is a skill worth looking at
- Throws 5 c4 packets at the enemy
- Does a slow proc on the hitted enemy
- Phy Dmg
- OTG? No

- Lv. 5 for Pre
- Tip: Cast this on M Mages when their Frozen and In Low HP, Once Immortality appears  and the Invi Frame is gone, Use it

- [50 SP]
- Lv. 0, 1 or Max
- Unleash a charged shot at explodes upon contact in the ground
- Press or Hold the skill to charge
- The skill is mgc based
- Leaves a flamed ground that deals fixed mgc tick dmg
- Breaks Freeze Proc
- OTG? Yes

- One for Poke and Launch or Zero

When using Neil the Sniper
When Firing Neil the Sniper
Neil the Sniper
- [60 SP]
- Lv. 0, 1, or Maxed
-Neil is a Phy fixed skill
- Does a Stun proc
- 5 Shots
-Some Gear like Chron 2 or 3 can add more shots to Neil
- OTG? Yes
- Under SA, Only Super Grab would work like Neck Snap (Applies to both PvE and PvP)
- Max for the Stun and Dmg or Zero
- The Speed and Range of Neil is Super Nerfed in PvP

Dual Flicker
- [30 SP]
- "Increases speed of bullet and distance it travels for normal attack. Fires additional bullet at certain chance."
- A Must max for Autogun, Bowgun or Musket Spits

- Max for Ultimate XXX Spam in PvP or leave at One

Using Black Roses

All out attack of the Black Roses

Special Force - 'Black Roses'
- [80 SP]
- "Calls forth Black Rose the Special Force. Each female agent possess different weapon, consecutively firing in different time interval. Press the skill key again for all-out attack, which forcefully sends the agents away once the attack is over. The user stays under super armor during the all-out attack."
- Lv. 0, 1 or Max, Player Reference
- Fixed Phy until D Day, Changed into Phy Percent
- This skill is a hard one, It can be the highest and hardest hitting awaken in the game ( Yes, it can complete with Astral Storm) if used correctly but the turn over is that it's hard to control
- OTG? Somewhat

- Not Available in PvP

M-61 Mine
- [80 SP]
- Lv. 1 or Max
- Deals Stun Proc
- In a Nutshell: A upgraded Flashmine
- Fires a bomb after the first explosion
- Phy or Mgc
-Note that you can't summon another one until the old one exploded
- OTG? Yes

- Not Available in PvP

Flying C4
- [120 SP]
- Max
- Throws a flying c4 that ricochets when it hits
- 3 c4's
- Ricochets 3 times
- Phy or Mgc
- OTG? Yes

- Not Available in PvP


Quick Rebound or QR
- [10 SP]
- This skill is the ultimate ass saver
- Press and hold C/Jump while downed to get Invincible frames up to 3s
- Gets .03s Invincible frames when standing up

Ancient Memory
- [25 SP]
- Gives Extra Int 
- Lv. 0 or Max [Optional]
- Sp Dump Skill

- Lv.0
- No Use in PvP

Magic Critical Hit
- [20 SP] 
- Gives a permanent boost to Mgc Crit [+10 Percent] [Optional]
- Mostly a SP Dump, Max if possible (Optional)

- Lv. 0

Magic Rear Attack
- [20 SP]
- Lv. 0 or Max [Optional]
- Ehh... This Skill is mostly effective when back attacking, SP Dump Skill

- Lv. 0

- [20]
- Lv.1 [Optional]
- Only for escaping purposes only

- Lv. 1 for escape purposes (Optional) 

Throw Mastery, Throw Master Cancel, Physical Rear Attack, Physical Critical Hit and Indomitable Spirit
[Picture is in order as the Tittle Says]
- No real use in PvE
- 0 everyday

Indomitable Spirit
- Either 0 or Max for PvP
- This would give SA whenever you're casting something, Nades, Bullets, And so Forth



Magical Attack Change
- [0 TP]
- Get this since you're gonna stack int
- "Changes M-61 Mine and Flying C4 from physical to magical damage"

Cartridge Expansion Upgrade
- [1 TP]
- A must Max, Extra bullets is always good

Napalm Upgrade
- [2 TP]
- Max if you maxed Napalm (Optional)

Silver Bullet Ugrade
- [1 TP]
- Max (Optional)
- Get this if you maxed Silver
- In a Nutshell: You get more dmg and bullets


Differences between Silver Upgrade compared to Blaze/Freeze Upgrade
- Silver gets more bullets rather than using 2 bullets per one 1 shot
- Cost 1 TP while Freeze or Blaze Cost 2 TP



Blazing Bullet Upgrade
- [2 TP]
- Max (Optional)
- Fires a bullet with the strength of 2 bullets 
- Triple Explosion 
- Increased Dmg: +60 Percent

Freeze Bullet Upgrade
- [2 TP]
- Same with blaze, Max if you Maxed Freeze Bullet
- At Maxed the increase Dmg will be +70 Percent, Freeze proc will be +10 Percent

Buster Shot Upgrade
- [2 TP]
- Max (Optional)
- Get this if your a Buster Shot spammer

G-18c Freeze Grenade Upgrade
- [4 TP]
- Player Reference
- Increase Nade Load by 1 and Freeze Lv by 2
- DOESN'T increase Dmg or Freeze Chance

G-35L Flash Bang Upgrade
- [4 TP]
- Same with Freeze Nade Upgrade
Load and Elec Proc is increased
- Player Reference

C-4 Remote Control Upgrade
- [2 TP]
- If you maxed c4 this is a good skill looking at (Optional)
- Attack and Explosion Range, +10 percent per Level

Neil the Sniper Upgrade
- [2 TP]
- Player Reference (Optional)
- Increases Dmg by 5 percent per Lv.
- Increase Reticule Spd by 10 percent per Lv.
- Reduces Post Delay shots by 10 percent per Lv.
- Revenolts Words:
"This seems rather gimmicky to me. Sure the post shot delay reduction is nice, but the reticule movement speed and only 5% damage buff? The hell was Neople thinking? I'd personally avoid this."

QP/Quest Point
-Max this 
-Primary Stat

-Lv 0 or Max (Optional) 

-Lv. 0 or Max (Optional)
-Increase HP Pool and HP regen
-Survivality in Ov 

-Lv. 0 or Max (Optional)
-Increase MP Pool and MP Regen

Move Spd
-Not Really Important
-Player Reference

Phy Crit
-Lv. 0 or Max (Optional)
-If you use Phy Spit skills alot this is worth looking at

Mgc Crit 
-Lv. 0 or Max (Optional)
-Gives permanent Mgc Crit
-Very Helpful since all of your attack is XXX spam with Mgc Buffed Bullets

-Put 5, 10 lvls. - Max 
-Nobody Likes getting Misses

-No real use really

HP Regen
-If your really bad in PvE, Then try to max this if possible 

MP Regen
-Must Max, MP Regen is must for any class

Element Atk
-Must Max
-Your main Dmg comes from Ele Buffs
-Gives 10% more damage all of the element skills

Ele Resist
-No real use in PvE

All Base Atk
-A good QP Skill (Optional Max)
-Improves fixed skills
*Nades, Neil, and Many More
-Note: If You're comparing Base Atk vs Int/Str
Int or Str usually Wins

Wpn Types and Armor 

Armor Type:

- Leather Gives all of Your Bonuses (Int/Aspd/Str/Ect)
- Only wear Leather

Weapon Types:

-Phy Spit
-Gives a large Str boost
-100 percent pierce 
-Launcher Skills
-5th Fastest Wpn

-A Hybrid Spit's Main Wpn along w/the Musket
-Gives a Str and Int boost
-Lowest Pierce rate out of all the wpns
-Spitfire Skills
-2nd Fastest Wpn 

-Used whether you're a Mgc or a Hybrid build
-Gives a Str and Int boost
-High Pierce rate thus useful for mobbing 
-Spitfire skills
-4th Fastest Wpn

-Mgc Spit
-Gives a High Int boost
-Highest Matk given for Gunners
-3rd Highest pierce 
-Mech Skills
-1st Fastest Wpn



-Avatars will have Varieties 
-Advance to Rare will give Extra Buffs like +10 Int if you have a Set (Common doesn't give any bonuses)
- These Extra Buffs will be get if and only if you have Sets of those specific Avas.
More Info On Avas Here: Avatar Guide

-DON'T GET CASTING SPD/CSPD. It's literary useless on Spitfires, also more dmg is better than having you cast faster nades 

-Attack Speed/Aspd

-Freeze Nade

-Silver Bullet 
-Int [Personally just Get Int]
-Max MP/HP

-Movement Spd



Attack Speed

Magical Critical Hit

Hit Rate

Red/Green Dual
Intelligence/Magical Critical Hit

Yellow/Blue Dual
Attack Speed/Hit Rate

G-18 Freeze Grenade +1
Neil the Sniper +1
C4 Remote Control +1
Napalm +1

Armor and Weapon (Coming Soon)


===Fire Support Set===

===Magic Sealed Armor===

[Most Important](Try to get Rank B - S)Int C - SPixie C - S [Pixie gives more Int]Talisman C - S [Talisman gives more Mgc Crit]Secondary:Hit Rate

===Purple Sets===

Generally since the release of Mgc Seal, Purple sets become useless unless if you want to stack on the skill level

===C2 Set/Chronicle 2 Sets:===

NEIL SETS:-Force Neil the Sniper Gives more power to Neil-Zooming Neil the sniperGives More Ammo to Neil and Decrease Hit DurationNOTE: You need to have both of this Sets if you want Neil to be a Godly skill  You'll be switching Zooming Neil Set to Force Neil Set for the Ultimate Damage when using Neil

-Force Blazing or Freezing 
Gives more power to these Skills

-Extensive Blazing or Freezing
Gives more Ammo Count to Freeze Bullet or Blaze

C3/Chronicle 3/Coming


Unique Auto Guns
Level 65 Unique Auto Gun
Attack with a 15% chance of electrocuting an enemy

Boss Unique Auto Guns
Jericho Crawford’s Machine Gun
Level 65 Boss Unique Auto Gun
Dual Flicker +2
Arsenal Reinforcement +2
RX-78 Land Runner +2
Ez-8 Time Bomb +2
Auto gun ammo +25% for aerial attacks
RX-78 Land Runner/Ez-8 Time Bomb explosion range +10%

Epic Auto Guns
Burning Bullet Heckler
Level 60 Epic Auto Gun
Attack with a 5% chance of inflicting burn status
Deal 10% extra damage when attacking enemy with burn status

Lock-On Mecha Drop
Level 65 Epic Auto Gun
Inflict Water Damage
Mech Drop +1
Decreases Mech Drop explosion area
Decreases Mech Drop explosion interval
Increases Mech Drop Land Runner quantity
Increases Special Land Runner quantity

Unique Muskets
Better than Sorry
Level 60 Unique Musket
Blazing Bullet +2
Silver Bullet +2
Freezing Bullet +2
Napalm +2
Photon Bomb +2
Crossmore +2
Attack Speed +2%
Default Ammo +1

Laos Gun
Level 65 Unique Musket
Inflict Shadow Damage
Napalm +3
Photon Bomb +3
Napalm and Photon Bomb duration +25%
Max number of C4 -2
C4 attack strength +80%

Boss Unique Muskets
Modified Crawford Musket
Level 65 Boss Unique Musket
Physical Critical Hit +5%
Magic Critical Hit +5%
Neil the Sniper +2
Cast Crossmore with a 50% chance of casting the skill at +5 levels

Dusk Eye
Level 65 Boss Unique Musket
Move Speed +1%
Casting Speed +3%
Amor-piercing Bullets +2
Buster Shot +2
Attack Speed +2%
Fire Enzo Sipo’s Fire Explosion with the last hit of your normal attack

Epic Muskets
Death by Musket
Level 55 Epic Musket
Critical Damage +40%

Commando Snipe Scope
Level 55 Epic Musket
Neil the Sniper +2
Default Ammo -1
When Neil the Sniper hits, 30% chance to slow an enemy for 2 seconds. Inflict 30% additional damage to an enemy in slow state

Sharp Trigger
Level 55 Epic Musket
Silver/Freezing/Blazing/Armor-piercing Bullets +2
Neil the Sniper firing cooldown -0.4 seconds
Cast Neil the Sniper to cast a buff that gives Physical Critical Hit +15% to party members for 10 seconds

Letum Via
Level 60 Epic Musket
Water Damage +8
Inflict Water Damage
G-18C Freeze Grenade +3
Attack Speed +2%
Attack with a 2% chance of freezing an enemy

Power Action Musket
Level 65 Epic Musket
Move Speed +2%
Casting Speed -8%
Attack with a 10% chance to increase physical critical and magic critical hit for 20 seconds
Attack Speed +3%
Default Ammo +2

Unique Bowguns
Secret Skill of Veteran Archer
Level 60 Unique Bowgun
Neil the Sniper +3
Blazing Bullet +3

Cold Smile
Level 60 Unique Bowgun
Attack with a 5% chance of freezing an enemy
Inflict 10% additional damage when attacking a frozen enemy

Custom Bow of the Militia Captain
Level 64 Unique Bowgun
Physical, Magic Damage +5%
Dual Flicker speed, range, increase rate +5%
Additional fire rate +10%

Imperial Wisdom
Level 65 Unique Bowgun
Aerial Fire +2
When attacking, if you have 70% or more MP, strength increases by 40 and intelligence increases by 60 for 30 seconds.
Attack with a 3% chance of recovering 60 MP per minute for 15 seconds

Boss Unique Bowguns
Elemental Bowgun
Level 65 Boss Unique Bowgun
Attack with a 1% chance of casting nature orb, glacier orb, or lava area

Epic Bowguns
Drill Shooter
Level 55 Epic Bowgun
Normal attack with a 3% chance of making an enemy bleed
Piercing strength +50%

Solar Prominence Bowgun
Level 55 Epic Bowgun
Cartridge Expansion +2
Blazing Bullet +1
Fire attack with a 2% chance of burning an enemy
Inflict 10% additional damage when attacking a burned enemy

Piercing Shadow
Level 55 Epic Bowgun
Attack with a 4% chance of physical weapon strength +35 and attack speed -3% for 20 seconds
Cast with a 6% chance of casting speed -4% and magic weapon attack strength +60 for 20 seconds
+10% extra damage when attacking

Bowgun of U-Yo Stem
Level 60 Epic Bowgun
Attack with a 3% chance of casting Camouflage on party

Satan Adet
Level 60 Epic Bowgun
Cartridge Expansion +2
Attack speed +2.5%
Attack with a 3% chance of cursing an enemy
Deal 10% extra damage when attacking a cursed enemy

Stradioti Bowgun
Level 65 Epic Bowgun
Inflict Shadow damage
Blazing Bullet +1
Freeze Bullet +1
Silver Bullet +2
When casting Silver, Blazing, or Freezing Bullet, strength and intelligence +10 for 60 seconds (stacks 10 times)


Magic Seal Armor
Level 60+ Rare Armor
Aim for any attribute that boosts Intelligence, Magic Critical Hit, or Magic Attack Strength

Unique Armor
Dark Leather Set of Black Plague
Level 68 Unique Armor Set
Pieces obtained from a daily quest by Minet
Not Implemented Spitfire skills
- Flash Mine doesn't give Blind/Darkness proc
- C4 stuck to the enemy doesn't lower Phy Defense 
- Musket Mastery
- G-35L Flash Bang - Shock chance isn't increased by 10% yet
- G-18C Freeze Grenade - Freeze chance isn't increased by 10% yet

People Who contributed to the Guide [Yes even some small mistakes help]:

- Str: Strength 
- Int: Intelligence 
-Vit: Vitality
- Crit: Critical 
- Mgc: Magic
- Phy: Physical 
- Matk: Magic Attack
- Patk: Physical Attack

- Dmg: Damage
- MP: Mana Points, Run out and you can't use skills anymore
- HP: Heath Points, Run out and you die
- SP: Points earned to buy skills
- TP: Like SP, Except this is used for Ex Skills, 1 TP is gained for every Level you get, Earned once you reach lv 50
- Fixed [Skills]: Damage comes from how high is your Str or Int
- Percent [Skills]: Damage comes from how high your Matk or Patk is

Int or Str can affect Matk or Patk
Weapon Reinforcement can Affect Matk or Patk

- Regen: Regeneration
- Lv: Level
- Nerf : A Skill usually downgraded from its former self (Basically a Skill is Weakened)
- MSpit: Shortenend Version of Male Spitfire

- Viper: The awakened Spitfire, Comes with the Ex, Roses, Dual Flicker, Mine EX and C4 Frisbee


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This site is a collection of up-to-date guides, maintained by some of the most dedicated players of various classes in DFO.
While articles may contain the personal opinions of the writers, they are opinions based on hundreds of hours of gameplay and the general consensus of their respective communities.